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Calvary Baptist Church

  • Calvary Baptist Church

Monumental VBS Volunteers Needed!

Updated: May 26, 2022

Monumental VBS is going to be full of BIble adventures, games, music, snacks, hugs, high-fives, and sciency-fun "wows." But we're doing more than simply entertaining kids. We have a powerful purpose at the heart of every single activity:

Helping kids experience Jesus' love.

That's why we're here...and you are an important part of making that happen. You're the hands and heart of God, showing kids His vast and unchanging love for each of them.

We couldn't do this without you. What you do matters!

In's monumental.

Sign up to help in the lobby before or after service. You will also need to complete the Pennsylvania child abuse clearance and criminal background check. Email with any questions.

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